Made in Italy and sustainability: two critical factors for our company
One of our Op Euro.com’s goal is to respect the land where we were born and where we cultivate our products. The Piana del Sele, in Battipaglia, in the Province of Salerno, is a unique place in Italy for the fertility of the land, for its climate, and its orographic characteristics. A significant number of our products is organic, and we are sure that sustainability will be the future of the agricultural industry.
“In 2050, 1 in 10 consumers in the world will eat Italian food.”
A survey conducted by the University of Rome Tor Vergata confirms that sustainability is the future of our industry. Although 28% of small and mid-size enterprises (SME) are virtuous, 35% of them refuse to be green. As we already mentioned, the Italian agricultural industry is withstanding COVID-19 outbreak well, thanks mainly to the export trade. The latest surveys highlight that, today, “Made in Italy” agricultural industry is growing more and more and is worth 41 billion euros. According to experts, in 2050, when the world population will amount to 8-10 billion, 1 in 10 consumers in the world will eat Italian food.
Sustainability is becoming a real trend
This information came out from the ninth edition of the “Seminario Food, Wine & Co - Verso la Sostenibilità” ( Food, Wine & Co Seminar - Path to Sustainability”, which took place a few weeks ago in Rome.
During the event - organised and conceived by Professor Simonetta Pattuglia and the Master in Economics and Management in Communications and Media, and the University of Rome Tor Vergata, in collaboration with “Fiera Roma” and “Coldiretti” - a very recent study on Italian SMEs’ Green Marketing, carried out by Professor Pattuglia and her research team, was also introduced. They found out that sustainability is becoming a real trend (consumers prefer a 28% sustainable product over competing products).